Time to move on!!


Move on move on move on

Your wish, you have to don!

Now u have to be weaker no longer

 it's just time to be stronger!

Collect all the frustration and anger

With all ur power go and conquer!

Don't expect anyone you to cheer up

There are also people calling u pup!

Crying is not any symptoms of weak

Don't care about the success deep!

Break all the distractional chain

And throw them out of your brain!

It's now ur turn to gain

Move on nd neglect the pain!

Now it's time to just move on dear

and grab what you need without any fear!

Move on move on move on

Your wish,you  have to be don!

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Poem  on Covid - 19



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Guys if you want poem related to any of topic u can drop a comment. I'll surely try to upload itπŸ‘

πŸ€“Help others with smile😊

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