Poem on Mobile Addiction

This is a poem on Mobile Addiction. In now-a-days it increased a lot. Use mobile Limitedly.


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The Addiction

 Now-a-days this mobile

People cannot keep away for a while!

Give some rest for your eyes

Everyone gives this advice!

Ok! Planned to keep it far

Not able to stay even for an hour!

Let you go forward

Leaving mobile backward!

Keep your mobile sometimes aside

entertain yourself by going outside!

Spend some time with Your family and friend


       They are the one who will stay till the end!

Literally this gadget is so much disturb

if you stay away you will surely be superb!

Stop picking up That when you get a sound

if you continue in eyes you will once have a wound!

------- the End ------

MoBiles Are Awesome 

        But Not MoRe ThAn YoUr LiFe...



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Guys if you want poem related to any of topic u can drop a comment. I'll surely try to upload itπŸ‘

πŸ€“Help others with smile😊

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